Monday, December 13, 2010


A final post on this last day of Japanese class.

What a semester! My first months of real academic work in nearly a decade have proven quite fruitful. Much to my great relief, I actually really enjoy school this time around, and I find myself as the semester draws to a close, eagerly awaiting the end of winter break so I can begin studying all over again! Next semester, Calc, Gen. Chem, Art Hum. (eastern of course!), Opera as Literature, and of COURSE Japanese 2!

This Japanese class certainly turned out to be the most time consuming. While perhaps not "difficult", there were plenty of moments throughout the semester while studying a 30 word vocabulary list, or perhaps while struggling to keep up with those damnable language lab listening assignments where I asked myself... "Why am I doing this???"

And then I remember this:

My god I love the Japanese. A little hard work and frustration does NOTHING to change that. And now, when I watch my beloved Naruto, I can actually read some of the signs and understand the odd word or two.

So onward to Nihongo glory! See you all next semester.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Composition 3

